ZERO VALPOLICELLA,  AMARONE E RECIOTO 2014 No wine Garbole 2014!   No compromise in Garbole! No valpolicella, amarone, recioto 2014! We decided to renounce producing wine Garbole with the harvest  2014. No wine Valpolicella, Amarone and Recioto and obviously no wine Garbole: Heletto and Hurlo 2014. There weren’t  the minimum conditions to create great wines. Will we could still make wine. Today, technology… Read more →

The new Garbole Blog!!!

Dear Lover Garbole welcome to  your Blog. This blog is dedicated to you and all Garbole Lover and was created in addition to the sharing of the project Garbole as sharing opportunities among all Garbole Lover! Therefore we extend our circle to create a belt of positivity around us. Improve ourselves through the constant acquisition of knowledge ( in the… Read more →