A different philosophy from the other italian wineries


To fulfil a mad dream!


This is the mission of brothers Filippo and Ettore Finetto, the founders of GARBOLE, who have always had one single great ambition: to produce wine in a unique and outstanding way.

Since the initial idea which was formed in 1994 there has always been the continuous urge and drive to better themselves. A courageous restlessness follows them in their journey of continual improvement with the thirst to improve themselves at its forefront.

Outsiders and self-taught they are fascinated by this extraordinary world to which they have dedicated their minds, bodies, hearts and souls to the beauty of their dreams casting off their previous lives.

Agriculture is the academy they use for self-improvement.

Wine production is not an end to itself but a consequence; it is a means and instrument to express themselves, to convey values and ideas; to unite people and to regain identity.

The wine cellar is a container for deeply attractive holistic experiences, not an ordinary italian wineries.


GARBOLE is a young and dynamic company, faithful to the roots and traditions to which it belongs, and is committed to a pioneering effort to exceed the great oenological art frontiers.

Experimentation and technical progression combine perfectly with traditional capabilities, this is not a restriction but instead a solid platform from which to leap off into new and unexplored experiences.

We believe in an aesthetic expression of simple and essential lines that are synonymous with refinement and sobriety to proclaim and exalt the pureness and authenticity, which are substantial characteristics, of our wines.

We focus on essence rather than appearance, reality as opposed to illusion and guarantee sincerity and candour in all of our products.


Each GARBOLE creation reflects the people who created them. It is the focus of the person and of human relationships that is the guiding light.

Wine production is not an end to itself but a consequence; it is a means and instrument of expression, to convey values and ideas; to unite people and to regain identity and is the origin which strengthens its roots with its territorial identity.

We focus on the emotional human relationships, which represent a true and authentic sharing of profuse multisensory and memorable experiences and which can transmit pleasantness and quality of life.

We respect ethical values, wellbeing and personal enhancement as prerequisites of sustainability and excellence.


“It is the DNA of the innovative, unconventional and self-taught outsider which drives us to continually explore new experiences in the pursuit of our identity. The autonomous path that allows us to follow our own course and to be the masters of our own destiny and reputation is impervious and extreme. Essence, authentic liberty, creative independence and innovation are the values which guide us. The care that we take of every single detail is our brands guarantee. A love of beauty and the search for internal well-being before external well-being. Only nature and the labours of man should be found inside the bottle; people before wine, quality before price, wine before label. This is our “Winess Philosophy””.

italian wineries

Learn from the past,

dream the future,

live in the present.


Click here to discover Garbole creations